Reflections On 2021


We say thanks to each of you who are champions of our veterans and those touched by military service and assisted Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services during a very challenging year. In gratitude, we are reflecting on 2021 and celebrating Dixon Center's top 10 highlights of 2021. 

  1. Dixon Center's impact increased from 2.1 to 2.4 million veterans and military families through our work providing Influence, Ideas, and Actions to individuals and organizations across the country.
  2. Dixon Center refined our 5 focus areas and realigned them into 3 pillars: Work With Purpose, Heal With Honor, and Live With Hope.
  3. Our team planned and convened a 3-day intense and immersive Vision Summit. The event was designed to inform over 100 influencers, leaders, and major donors that desired to learn more of Dixon Center's work and plans for expanded operations over the next 5 years.
  4. We executed multiple agreements with national trade organizations to expand existing workforce development efforts and focus on providing a pathway for under-represented populations into non-traditional careers.
  5. Dixon Center increased access to resources and strengthened our financial position ensuring our continued presence as a national organization with staying power.
  6. Our podcast "Service Before Self" completed its first season to a steadily increasing audience. Season two, focusing on issues impacting our nation's veterans and military families is under development.
  7. Dixon Center assisted iHeart Media in the redesign and redeployment of their "Show Your Stripes" platform connecting veterans and their families to resources and supportive services.
  8. It was an honor to make the holiday a bit easier for hundreds of veterans across the country through our Holiday Basic Needs Grants thanks to generous contributions from our Command Council. These grants provided real time relief from the impacts of raising cost in heating fuels, food, and other basic needs.
  9. We welcomed two new advisors to our Command Council, Jerry Pascucci and Tim Thorne.
  10. We are getting back on the road, respectfully and safely. We know that our veterans and the organizations that support them long for face-to-face interactions when they can be safely and appropriately coordinated. We hope to see you soon in person.

Just like you, we reflect on our activities of 2021 to help provide guideposts and goals for our 2022. We hope your reflection does the same. If you want to read more detail on our past year be on the lookout for the 1 February 2022 Bugler which will announce the release of our 2021 Annual Report.

Join us on our journey in 2022 and beyond! Visit Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services to learn more or contact our President, Col. Duncan S. Milne, USMC(Ret.) at
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2021 Annual Impact Report Available
Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Recap


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Tuesday, 04 March 2025